SqrPlus Compiler
SqrPlus Compiler goes through a two-phase compilation process that scans
the SQR source file and performs following functions/features:
- Produces an Expanded file by processing each #include directive.
It also ensures that the files are included only once.
- Produces a listing file with source analysis and errors at the
end of the listing.
- Produces an expanded file with embedded procedure call trace routines.
Useful feature for debugging, performance tuning or timing analysis of
sqr program.
- Produces procedure call tree. Useful for quick program flow.
- Detects and logs unused procedures.
- Produces global/local variables cross-reference report.
- Detects and logs undefined global/local variables.
- Detects and logs unused global/local variables.
- Detects and logs multiple defined global/local variables.
- Detects and logs bogus global variables.
- Logs compilation process in SQRPLUS.LOG file.
- Compile only sqc file for its analysis.
SqrPlus Compiler requires SqrPlus Workbench. Following screen shows some statistical
information that SqrPlus Compiler provides.