Automatic Document Generation System (termed as ADS) is a new concept in producing technical documentation for sqr programs or sqr library systems (sqc's). Document is generated at a click of a command button.
ADS extracts tagged comments/notes that live in source code file and formats them into htm file that can be viewed/printed using standard Internet Browser. It can also be deployed centrally into intranet web server to take advantage of searching and advance browsing. Since the documentation comes from the horse's mouth every time, it is always up-to-date including last minute updates.
Programmer comments/notes that live in the source code play dual role - a good programming practice facilitating professional document generation by just click of a command button.
ADS requires SqrPlus Workbench and SqrPlus Compiler. ADS way of providing technical program documentations has many advantages over manually generated technical documents. Some of them are:
Please see the Sample Document that has been generated using ADS for Sqr Program.